During the 20th reunion weekend, some of us got to talking about how we could share our photos and (potentially) keep up with news. From that seed this blog was born.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

second post1

Welcome to ColorBlender – your free online tool for color matching and palette design!

To get started, choose a preferred color using the color picker below, and a 6-color matching palette (a "blend") will be automatically calculated.

Using the radio buttons you may switch to Direct Edit mode to tweak or edit individual colors of your blend.

Blends can be saved for future use, and will be available whenever you return to this site from the same workstation, given that your browser accepts cookies.

First post

This is the first post sljfsh sjfh asflkjashf ;lfjash f;asljfh sf;jas hf;askjfh sfkjs flkajsfh asl fsfkjhs flkjsaf haskjf sflkjhs flkjs fhskljfh lk fhsalkf sfjhslfkjsh flskfjh fjksh flkjsfh sfslfkjsh fslkjfh slkjfh sfkjdsfhs fjfhdksfjhskf slkfjshdflskj flkjhslfkjsdh fslkjfh sjsh flskjfh slfkjsh flksjf hsdf

  • s;lfjk h
  • slkjh d
  • sdlkjh s
  • sdhkfj